Sup guys? haven't updated this in a long time. Practices are currently being held on sundays at 4 in the world gym in palatine
at 1546 dundee road. Practices have been decent in number.
Of note is the aquisition of 2-4 new recruits to the clan all training as ginneids under the three main onorhelms, myself,
Tarnis, and Nell.
We're heading to wolfpack opener this sunday at ISU. you should go to for some sweet as battles.
November 7th, 2007
A lot has happened since the last update! O Rag sunday practices have evolved and are now part of a new realm founded
by the O Rag Clan, the realm is known as Reilltoch. This happened early this summer, and since making our name known we have
noticed significant growth of our Sunday practices. We had notable fighters such as Sir Borric, Master Xiao, Sir Murdock,
Remus, and others visit us throughout the summer. We also hosted our own Mini-event in May which was a marginal success. Our
numbers have dwindled throughout the fall sadly, and we're looking to correct that. We've just moved back indoors, to the
World Gym. Practices are gonna cost us 10 bucks a head this year as opposed to 5 which is unfortunate. We hope to see old
and new faces in the thunderdome this year.
Our unit the Fianna,
hosts Beltaine this year! It will be very exciting as not only are we hosting the event, but also the brunt of the O Raghaillaighs
will be oathing into the Fianna as our petitioning time is over! Hoo-ah! hope to see you there!
February 6th, 2006
Practices have moved indoors, to the World Gym due to weather extremes. O Raghaillaighs plan to attend
the Wolf Pack Opener in significant force, and Argyll's sites have been set on Spring War as well. Dar Ginneigh!
January 11th, 2006
The "To Be an Ó Raghaillaigh" guidebook has been redone so
that it fits with the changes we have gone through since I originally created it. In it's new text are altered membership
requirements, a new section on garb, and changes have been made to various other parts of its texts. Feb 18th, and the Wolfpack
opener are coming, information on that can be found on the Belegarth forums.
December 10th, 2006
The Lost Children of the O'Reillys are now knowns as the The
House Ó Raghaillaigh a household of the Fianna. One year after this date, we will become a full-fledged sept
of the Fianna. This is a great day for us, if only I was not so tired I would do it justice with my words! I am currently
reworking the website in accordance with our new allegience.
November 28th, 2006
Practices will stay at 11 am permanently. My downtown practices at Grant Park are currently on hiatus.
Membership requirements updated.
October 30th, 2006
Make not that the Dunharrow season has ended and the O'Reillys will attend only the sunday
practices. We are trying to keep our practices during day light, and are giving 11 am a try for a few practices. Also if anyone is bold enough, I run practices downtown at 4 pm at Grant park and will hopefully get club status
there soon and have practices indoors.
Pictures from last sunday's practice should be up this weekend.
Happy Samhain!
October 14th, 2006
Argyle, Neldar, and Follar have returned from Oktoberfest, the first Belegarth event attended by the O'Reillys.
We fought well, and it seems like the 3 months of constant practicing 3 times a week is paying off. I put some pictures from
Okfest up in the pics section.
August 13th, 2006
Saturday August 19th is the last Belegarth mini-event of the summer. The event takes place in Romeoville,
and I plan on going, along with whomever else will.
Sunday, August 20th, is the last summer Belegarth practice for the O'Reillys, which we will have, for nostalgia
purposes at Deer Park mall, the old wompem battle ground. The practice will be as normal at 4 oclock, and
following we will go to my house for a rooftop O'Reilly feast celebrating the end of summer and our first delving into the
majestic heights of Belegarth and Dagorhir. We will battle until 7 and then go to my house for the feast.
The theme of the feast is set to be completely and utterly medeival. Those who attend, firstly must be official
o'reillys (meaning all member ship requirements are met being kilt, oath taken, red weapon built), and secondly must be in
the most authentic garb they can muster.
I will try my best to make my roof as medieval as possible, but due to insufficieny of funds i was not able
to return to ren faire as hoped to purchase the various deer skins and furs to adorn the feast area. There will be no mass
produced products on sight. No coke cans or mundane eating ware or cups. Everything will try to be as medieval as possible.
Please take this seriously and don't ruin this by showing up in your inferior everyday clothes.
The menu will comprise mostly of meat. Not hamburgers or hotdogs, but meat. Again, the medieval barbarian
atmostphere is what i am striving for here. I will purchase a good amount of something, i don't know what, Jeff i have asked
to make some of his beef jerky he has a recipe for, penny and I will work again on that fantastic Irish Beef stew she made
for our last feast. Take special note of this: if you come to my house bearing nothing but an appetite I will punch you in
the mouth, and then remove your testicles with a swift downward claw. Don't be a bastard and contribute. You must bring something.
Keep it Scottish/Irish in nature. If your mom has a recipe for some good potatoes or something awesome, if you can make a
stew awesome, but no jello or cookies. After eating the meat we will have dessert, which will be more meat. Please do what
you can to bring the food or drink, no alcohol at my house by the way, in some manner of non-modern container. Ceramics woods,
and non-shiny steels are good. I won't be a nazi, but give it an effort.
Non-members, there's still time to join up and fullfill your requirements before I officially hate you!
Join us at the feast!
This is supposed to be a fun and atmospheric conclusion to a very awesome summer beginning with Ragnarok,
and ending with our membership to Dunharrow.
Just to go over: Battle at 4-7, feast is for official LCO only, full garb, meat, no coke cans plastics etc.,
atmosphere to the max.
Let me know if you can attend and what you can bring
p.s.- End of Summer feast does not mean goodbye O'Reillys at all. I am going to school downtown, and I will
be at every weekend practice i can possibly be at. Jeff, Penny, Sarah, Austin, and Spencer will be nearby too, and we can
only hope that Kane and Dykstra have the will to join us every once and a while troughout the regular year. I anticipate nothing
much will change in terms of our group and we will continue fighting, and particpating in Belegarth/Dagorhir events notably
Octoberfest , October 5-8 in Danville. Imagine that, a mini Rag not but 2 months away and only a fraction of the distance.
I'm Dagorjaculating already! I can't wait to plan next years Rag with all of you.
July 18th, 2006
Hello Children.
- Next practice is july 23rd, 4 pm, bakers lake younghusband prairie forest preserve
- i have made contact w/ Sai of the Dunharrow Belegarth realm, and things look well or our membership.
15 dollar annual fee.
- we shall most likely attend dunharrow events on tues at 4:30 and sat at 3:00 at wing park in elgin
and maintain our own 4 oclock practices at ypbl on sun
- ren fair boasted much to be purchased in arms, armor, garb etc.
- new clan shirt available; ask me about it
June 28, 2006
The O'Reillys have returned from the glory of Ragnarok XXI as changed men (and women). Wompem is now a
thing of the past and all of our energies from this day forth shall be put towards the divine sport of Dagorhir. All are welcome
to our next practice on July 8th, it's a sunday, at 4 pm, at Younghusband Prairie Baker's Lake forest preserve. To be a member
with us now, is a much more sacred and honorable thing, and expect membership to be more exclusive. We will have no email
disregarding, battle skipping, and word dishonoring maggots in our ranks and to be honest that's the majority of you. Fear
not I am giving you all a clean slate to start with, so if your interested in joining check out the qualifications listed
in the "join the o'reillys page", enjoy the new site
July 9th 2009
Well, its been what 3 years since this has been updated yes? yea thats a LONNNG time. The website is currently being updated
and the members page is now up to date! Exciting no? Oh and the page has a new 'editor' so to speak, me! Ainsley =] i am petiting
to become a non fighter and this is one of my non fighter responsibilities ^-^ When more things happen with the O'Rags i will
update everyone but for now nothing really has happend. Rag XXIV just passed and there were three new people who became Doltanagh
for the Fianna! Myself, Tao and Karate all became Doltanagh this past Ragnarok =]. Also Swordbrother Connall of the Fianna,
Tao and myself are petitioners for the O Raghaillaighs! Hmmm i can't think of any other news except See everyone next Sunday!
(i wont be there this sunday)
July 21, 2009
We are hosting a mini event!!! Here is a link to where you can find out more information: The Gates of Reilltoch II Mini event Info page. We hope to get a great turn out because the last event that was hosted by us was great ^-^. I will not be attending though
becaue i made plans a while ago to go to the ren faire that day.. but hopefully the rest of the O'rags(minus tarnis) will
be there! Oh and this past weekend we had a few of our members including: Nel, Tao and Argyll (and possibly more..) attended
the event King of the Hill hosted by Tails. hmm i can't think of any other news so thats it for now!